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Crystal Candle


Soul Prosper


This candle is perfect for all those who seek to attract prosperity and abundance into their lives.


Infused and intuited with citrine and pyrite crystals, a wonderful crystalline vibration resonates to aid in its manifestations.

These two crystals absorb your manifestation desires, your deepest hopes, dreams and help to make them a reality.

Each candle is made especially for you, so the color and size of the crystals may vary due to the nature of the stones and genuine crystals.

Da Lua Crystal Candle - Citrine & Pyrite


    • Feita e derramada à mão com cera de coco e pavio de madeira ecológica
    • 100% artesanal com queima limpa
    • A vela vem em um frasco de vidro reutilizável com toques de ervas aromáticas de calêndula, flores desidratadas, óleos naturais e essências de Mirra Indiana
    • Cristais de Pirita e Citrino
    • 230 g
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